Dear Colleagues, dear Members, dear Friends,
following the success of the last year, with even more enthusiasm, great energy and further expectations we announce the program of the XXXII AIE National Congress, as well as 1st International AIE Congress, which will be held as usual in Bologna at the Congress Center of the Savoia Hotel Regency, on Thursday 22nd, Friday 23rd and Saturday 24th February 2024.
The aim of this edition of the Congress of the Italian Academy of Endodontics is to export the style and atmosphere of the Academy also abroad, increasing the already large presence of foreign guests and members.
All scientific and cultural activities will be carried out in English or translated from Italian to English (and vice versa) to allow everyone to enjoy the Congress at its best. The cultural exchange, the possibilities for professional growth and the extraordinary ability of AIE to catalyse human resources will remain unchanged, indeed, if possible, making them grow further.
The focus of the Congress is very relevant today, in a world that is compulsively moving towards the digital approach. Even in the Academy, we have decided to explore the frontiers of this digitalized world with "Endodontics goes digital", a theme in which we will try to examine all the positive sides, and the negative ones, of this unstoppable mass migration.
To do this we have invited the best national and international speakers to guide us through the latest innovations, the most significant research, and clinical trials which will give us not only a lot of scientific knowledge, but also a wealth of direct experience applicable in your own practice from the very next day.
On this website, you will find constantly updated information.
We look forward to meeting you in Bologna, from 22 to 24 February 2024!
Nicola M. Grande - AIE President
Speakers: Emanuele Ambu - Antonietta Bordone - Antonino Cacioppo - Giuseppe Carrieri -Josette Camilleri - Elisabetta Cotti - Roeland DeMoor - Alessandro Fava - Marco Ferrari - Sofía Folguera Ferrairó - Roberto Fornara - Gianluca Gambarini - David E. Jaramillo - Adrián Lozano -Piero Alessandro Marcoli - Giovanni Marzari - Montse Mercadé Bellido - Giovanni Olivi - Ronald Ordinola Zapata - Damiano Pasqualini - Ruth Perez Alfayate - Marco Versiani - Paula A. Villa Machado
Coordinators: Angelo Fassi - Marco Forestali - Alberto Mazzocco - Eugenio Tosco